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Electric Boogaloo

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The boom box!

…or ghettoblaster. If you lived through the eighties, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The ghettoblaster was the quintessential party in a box. We all knew at least one person that owned one. It pre-dated compact discs. As well, it gave birth to the mixed tape. A lost art. Today’s technology is great, but there was nothing like creating a mix of songs grabbed from your favorite FM radio station. Knowing exactly when to press record and when to stop it. I good mix tape was shared amongst your friends. And was inevitably played on the neighborhood boom box!

Taking that first step

This was one of my earliest models. I had made a papercraft one prior but it was flimsy and lacked any sort of detail. So I got on Blender and started learning to model. It wasn’t overly difficult. Much like drawing, start with your basic shapes and detail them out.

This was also my first model-to-print project. It helped me put emphasis on how things come together once they are printed. Within Blender, everything fits perfectly. Nothing falls because there is no gravity. But once you get it out in the real world, You will need to quickly figure out how things work and how to connect them.

Start Simple

This is a perfect simple project if you are starting out in 3D modeling. Basic shapes. As you add more, all of a sudden it starts to look familiar. You will see this formula followed for every project moving forward. Start off simple. Add this shape to that and it starts coming together.

Oh, and did I mention the tape deck opens so you can put a tape in?

Let me know if you are interested in the working files. It is pretty basic so I may update it some. Just to make it easier to put together. If there is interest, I will share them here.


approx. W 7cm x H 4cm x Z 2cm

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